Our History

Our History

A student council was established in 2016 in our school. Our current council was elected in 2016 and a new council will be re-elected in May 2018. So far we have achieved the following.

We raised 120 euro for Childline through our cake/bric a brac sale.

In June 2016 we had an ice cream day. We had ice cream and sprinkles for everyone at Holy Family with revenue created from Cake/bric a brac sale.

We held a “summer diary” competition. Every child in the school was given a diary to keep over the summer. We had a fantastic response to this project. The student council selected 12 overall winners. Everyone who returned a diary received a prize. The winning diaries are currently in the library for everyone to enjoy.

We enabled classes to buy an activity for their classroom from profits made from bric a brac sale.

We have introduced chalk and hoola hoops to the yard, we are currently ordering footballs.

We created noticeboards for different yard areas to improve communication of Student Council events. We are extending the use of our boards to active committee, green flag committee and Amber flag.

Gratitude bombed Honor’s office

Gratitude bombed cleaners office.

Gratitude bombed Sean’s Office