Green School

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Green Schools News 

Green Schools is about working together to create a sustainable future for our local environment and planet earth. Over the last school year we have been working towards our first green flag: Litter and Waste.

MARCH 1st 

On Friday, March 1st we will have our Green Schools Inspector out to assess our school. On this day she will meet with Committee, some teachers and visit some classrooms. She will also get the chance to have a look at the wonderful work we have been doing around the school to do with our theme: Litter and Waste.

Few things to remember: 

  1. Our Green Code: Reduce Our Waste and Use Less Packaging
  2. Ms Mannion is looking for your old crayons stubs. These cannot be recycled and they take many years to break down. Ms Mannion is collecting them and we are sending them to Crayola in the U.S. and they will melt them down and make new crayons and distribute them to hospitals and sick children around the world. So, please bring them in.
  3. If anyone has Eco Bricks please bring them in and put them in your Green Area in your classroom and your Green Schools Rep can bring them down to my room.
  4. We are asking all children to try and use a reusable water bottle instead of single used plastic bottles.
  5. In an effort to cut down on our blue tissue we are asking children, if they want to, to bring in a hand towel to dry their hands with.

Find out where all our video goes with these videos:

Aimée Merry and Ciara Mannion

Green Schools Coordinators


As our homes, staffroom and classrooms come flooding in with sweet wrappers and recycling over the next few days and Christmas, just a reminder these aren’t recyclable. make eco bricks (a plastic bottle stuffed with non biodegradabile plastic such as our sweet wrappers, that  are used to make modular furniture, garden spaces and full-scale buildings such as schools and houses).  All you need is a 2L bottle and they fit as many wrappers in the bottle as possible. Bring in your Eco Brick when it’s done and we will create something unique for our school courtyard.

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year,

Aimée Merry

Green Schools Coordinator


Dear Parents,

This year during Christmas, millions of rolls of wrapping paper will be binned, platefuls of food  will not be eaten and we will go through an extortionate amount of batteries.    A roll and a half of sticky tape will be used per household, while three and a half black bags full of packaging will be thrown out. As we are working towards our Green Flag we are  working together to reduce landfill waste.

Here is a list of things we can all do to  reduce the amount of waste we generate at this time of year;


  1. Turn leftovers into other meals and buy less food
  2. Buy a fake tree to reuse every year
  3. Use rechargeable batteries
  4. Reuse Christmas cards as gift tags
  5. Send e-cards
  6. Buy fewer toys, give the gift of a book
  7. Order online in one order to reduce the amount of packaging
  8. Don’t use wrapping paper. If you receive wrapping paper, before you recycle, remove any sticky tape and decorations such as ribbons and bows as these cannot be recycled. Wrapping paper can only be recycled  if it passes the scrunch test. Simple paper wrap can be recycled but foil or glitter decorated paper cannot and it needs to go into the general waste bin.
  9. Protect the Orangutan’s habitat and do not buy any cosmetics/products that contain palm oil.
  10. Buy wooden, less plastic 

Merry Christmas

Huge thank you to all the children who brought in batteries. We have collected 1,059 batteries to date this school year.  WEEE Ireland were very impressed with our collection.

Our Green Schools Application has gone in.  We produce 3 recycling bags per day and 3 general waste bins per day. Our staff are working hard at reducing their paper trail and we are asking all children and staff to take their general waste from their lunch boxes home with them.  Our GREEN CODE is Reduce our waste! Use less packaging!

Thank you to all who brought in bottle caps. Ms McMahon’s 5th Class are working on some lovely murals with these for our school.

  1. So far this year we have had No Paper Day, waste free lunches and we have begun to collect bottle caps for our art around the school. Please continue to bring these in. Thank you to Mr Hill and 6th Class who conducted a Litter and Waste Review. This has helped us identify litter and waste black spots. We are focusing on decreasing the amount of litter and waste at the Forest Hills entrance to our school. Please bring your rubbish home with you and encourage others to do so.
  2. We are asking all teachers with the help of their children to create a Green Area in the classroom. A question will be given out each month to discuss and work to be displayed in your Green Area in your classroom.
  3. On Thursday, 18th Oct we will have our first Clean Up Day of the year. Senior Infants will be busy litter picking around the school. So, if you see them say “well done” and it’ll be No Paper Day on this day too, don’t forget to get outside and explore the world around you.
  4. Reminder to try make your Halloween costumes from recycled materials. Recreate will be in doing a Plastic Planet workshop with children from Junior Infants, 1st and 4th.
  5. We also ask teachers to make a special effort to bring waste free lunches and clean and dry anything that can be recycled and place it in recycling bin or take it home.
  6. Please bring in any dead batteries and place them in the battery box on the first floor beside the photocopier and bottle caps in boxes provided outside the staff room.
  7. Thomas Brennan from Solar 21 will be in on Oct 18th to talk to the Senior Classes about renewable energy.
  8. Thanks to Mr Boggins for organising Toner and Ink boxes. Our computer company takes these away and recycles them.

Finally, we would like to congratulate 2nd class for having the least amount of recycling waste in their bins and 4th class for having the least amount of general waste in their bins during September.  Your teacher can reward you at their discretion.

Once again, we would like to thank everyone for recycling and helping us all achieve our school’s first Green Flag – Litter and Waste Flag. Continue playing your part by recycling at home too.

Mrs Merry (Green Schools Coordinator) would like to say a personal thank you to our Green Schools Committee who work so hard to keep our school clean with their litter picking and rubbish collections and to the children and staff for helping us be green.  The future is GREEN!



Green Schools News

Green Schools is about working together to create a sustainable future for our local environment and planet earth. Over the last school year we have been working towards our first green flag: Litter and Waste.

  1. So far this year we have had No Paper Day, waste free lunches and we have begun to collect bottle caps for our art around the school. Please continue to bring these in. Thank you to Mr Hill and 6th Class who conducted a Litter and Waste Review. This has helped us identify litter and waste black spots. We are focusing on decreasing the amount of litter and waste at the Forest Hills entrance to our school. Please bring your rubbish home with you and encourage others to do so.
  2. We are asking all teachers with the help of their children to create a Green Area in the classroom. A question will be given out each month to discuss and work to be displayed in your Green Area in your classroom.
  3. On Thursday, 18th Oct we will have our first Clean Up Day of the year. Senior Infants will be busy litter picking around the school. So, if you see them say “well done” and it’ll be No Paper Day on this day too, don’t forget to get outside and explore the world around you.
  4. Reminder to try make your Halloween costumes from recycled materials. Recreate will be in doing a Plastic Planet workshop with children from Junior Infants, 1st and 4th.
  5. We also ask teachers to make a special effort to bring waste free lunches and clean and dry anything that can be recycled and place it in recycling bin or take it home.
  6. Please bring in any dead batteries and place them in the battery box on the first floor beside the photocopier and bottle caps in boxes provided outside the staff room.
  7. Thomas Brennan from Solar 21 will be in on Oct 18th to talk to the Senior Classes about renewable energy.
  8. Thanks to Mr Boggins for organising Toner and Ink boxes. Our computer company takes these away and recycles them.

Finally, we would like to congratulate 2nd class for having the least amount of recycling waste in their bins and 4th class for having the least amount of general waste in their bins during September.  Your teacher can reward you at their discretion.

Once again, we would like to thank everyone for recycling and helping us all achieve our school’s first Green Flag – Litter and Waste Flag. Continue playing your part by recycling at home too.

Mrs Merry (Green Schools Coordinator) would like to say a personal thank you to our Green Schools Committee who work so hard to keep our school clean with their litter picking and rubbish collections and to the children and staff for helping us be green.  The future is GREEN!